Through my role as project manager for the Life of Breath medical humanities research project I conceived, presented and produced a podcast series. Breath is such an intangible thing and much of the research, around things like stories of lived experience and singing, lent itself to an audio format. The series drew on project events and creative outputs, combining interviews and other audio to create 20-25 minute documentaries. I produced 11 episodes, of which the most popular (Breath in Visual Art featuring Jayne Wilton) has been listened to over 1000 times.
Podcast Episodes
- The invisibility of breathlessness: physiology, perceptions and politics with Prof Jane Macnaugton.
- Living with Breathlessness, Learning from Experience with Breathe Easy group members Gaynor Williams and James Edwards, and researchers Rebecca Oxley and Fredrik Nyman.
- Letter to Your Breath with researcher Alice Malpass and creative practitioner Elspeth Penny.
- 10 Years Smoke Free with tobacco expert Andrew Russell and asthmatic Gaynor Williams.
- It Felt Like Drowning with composer Elan Higueras, trombone quartet Bones Apart, project manager Jess Farr-Cox, researcher Prof Gene Feder and domestic abuse survivor Jacqui.
- To Breathe Ourselves into Some Other Lungs with breath and music therapist Kate Binnie, travel writer Elsa Hammond, poet Gregory Leadbetter, scientist turned poet Sarah Watkinson and researcher Kyle Pattinson.
- Under the Surface with composer Toby Young, and performances by Bristol University Singers and the Brabant Ensemble.
- Breath, Pulse and Measure with Prof David Fuller and the poetry of Charles Olson, William Carlos Williams and Denise Levertov.
- Breath in Visual Art with artist Jayne Wilton.
- Breath in Classical Singing with singing teacher Miranda Wright and performances by Zoe Jackson, Rebecca Roberts and Patrick Owston.
- Breathing Race in the Machine with researcher Lundy Braun.
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