Through my role as project manager for the Life of Breath medical humanities research project I redeveloped the project website and communications. The resulting site and blog had 166 posts, with 200,000 views and was named one of the Best COPD Blogs of the Year 2019 by health information website Heathline. Due to project funding ending, the current site is a mirror of the original hosted on a standard Durham University template and lacks much of the functionality and design of the original.
When I joined the Life of Breath project in 2015 a website had already been set up, but it was on a generic WordPress template and there was no logo or commitment to use a standard house style or colour palette. As the project relied heavily on relationships with outside partners there was an urgent need to present a professional and credible face to the external world. The first step was to engage a design agency to create a logo and colour palette. I then took this style and used it to revamp the website, social media, and to create a leaflet and postcard for the project. The site was also used to host the project podcast. Furthermore we established a mailing list with a bimonthly newsletter and a YouTube channel.

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