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Plant health attitudes baseline survey report (2024)

    I worked with Forest Research to create a visual report for a national baseline survey on attitudes to plant health. The survey was conducted in 2021 as part of Defra-funded project called A National Conversation which is related to the Plant Biosecurity Strategy for Great Britain. A National Conversation is trying to understand how people currently think and behave in relation to plant health, and how this could be changed.

    The report was needed because the survey results were only available via an online dashboard which was challenging to navigate and didn’t include any narrative or recommendations. I collated and summarised the data from the dashboard, pulling out key statistics and takeaways. Based on my experience of working with a wide range of people I also suggested possible actions for specific groups. The report was formatted and hyperlinked for reading online.

    The report is not in the public domain so some of the example pages below are obscured. If you would like to receive a copy of the report please contact

    If you would like my help to create something similar please do get in touch.

    An example page from the original results dashboard